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作者: 时间:2021-12-037 次浏览

信息摘要:  Ryukin usually is believed that modern is a variety gradually developed by Japanese after Chinese Fantail Goldfish was introduced to Japan via ancient Ryukyu ...品种介绍之宽尾琉金.鱼缸大全及价格,鱼缸工具鱼的选择,鱼缸生化过滤棉,鱼缸底沙清洗工具,品种介绍之宽尾琉金


Ryukin usually is believed that modern is a variety gradually developed by Japanese after Chinese Fantail Goldfish was introduced to Japan via ancient Ryukyu Kingdom. The most important feature of Ryukin is sharp head, long body and disc-like body shape, and is suitable for appreciating from sides. Ryukin Broad Tail is one of the popular varieties among the Ryukin, high back hump and doral fin, vigorous posture. The wide stretching caudal fin is like the graceful dress, make people enjoy great visually. Ryukin Broad Tail is better to view from sides.



文明土匪鱼友说银子多就是好啊~受气馒头鱼友说漂亮~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`%yuhuajing鱼友说欣赏了············· :虎虎生威鱼友说本帖最后由虎虎生威于21-9-269:27编辑 ——小兜鱼友说外伤,保持住水质,别造成感染,几天后自然恢复,之宽尾琉金没事的。!tomeszcj鱼友说欣赏了小绵羊鱼友说这样的鱼都没有得到冠军还是比较惋惜的,道外水族馆,比赛潜规则……红龙在天鱼友说跳缸了,避免惊吓,多观察几天、品种介绍鞠泉鱼友说欣赏了·············=tomeszcj鱼友说养的好的,不懂得欣赏=winner_lee鱼友说小的时候,容易收到惊吓,,,张春波鱼友说不错就是图太少了...;